Posted on: May 31, 2006

MIT hackes Doonesbury college poll to get win

by Alan Gardner May 31, 2006

Universal Press Syndicate: News Release:Despite some digital ballot-box stuffing, or perhaps because of it, MIT has won the poll that asked where Alex Doonesbury should go to college.”A careful check of the applicable rulebook indicates that queering the results was not specifically prohibited,” noted a Friday post on, where the poll was conducted.  “And by tradition, engineers, hackers, and techfolk will assume that in a problem-solving situation of this nature, there is no box out of which they are not expected to climb.

Detroit Free Press changes line up while Wiley Miller is on vacation

by Alan Gardner May 30, 2006

“Non Seq” will move to Page 1 of our comics when it returns next month.In “Mr. Boffo”‘s former home on Page 1, you’ll see “F Minus” by Tony Carrillo, which gets its shot to wow Free Press comics lovers….  And no, it had nothing to do with pole dancing.According to distributor United Features Syndicate, the comic “tackles life’s serious issues, pins them to the ground, and steals their lunch money.”

Detroit Free Press changes line up while Wiley Miller is on vacation

by Alan Gardner May 29, 2006

“Non Seq” will move to Page 1 of our comics when it returns next month.In “Mr. Boffo”‘s former home on Page 1, you’ll see “F Minus” by Tony Carrillo, which gets its shot to wow Free Press comics lovers….  And no, it had nothing to do with pole dancing.According to distributor United Features Syndicate, the comic “tackles life’s serious issues, pins them to the ground, and steals their lunch money.”

Jim Borgman: Is it okay to use photocopier in multi-panel cartoons

by Alan Gardner May 26, 2006

Now Photoshop lets us appleC-appleV elements and move them around, making complicated cartoons like this one do-able under tight deadlines.That said, I always feel an irrational twinge of guilt when I cut-and-paste within a cartoon, as if readers have paid me by the line and insist on their money’s worth.  For reasons I can’t explain, I usually go back in and tweak the characters and backgrounds here and there to give the eagle-eyed wannabes something to examine and form conspiracy theories about.

Hector Cantú to speak at Americans for the Arts Convention

by Alan Gardner May 26, 2006

He is co-executive producer of the Baldo TV show, currently in development at Paloma Productions, and author of two Baldo books: The Lower You Ride, The Cooler You Are and Night of the Bilingual Telemarketers.The comic strip’s lead characters are quickly working their way onto the American pop culture stage, from car-crazy teen Baldo and college-obsessed sister Gracie to tradition-conscious Dad and lottery-playing Tia Carmen….  Baldo is Universal Press Syndicate’s fourth most-successful comic strip launch, after The Boondocks, For Better or For Worse, and Calvin and Hobbes.In addition to his work on this successful comic, Cantú is an editor at Quick, a daily news tabloid in Dallas that targets young readers.


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