Let the Pulitzer Prize back talking begin!
Skip to commentsEvery year when the Pulitzer Prize for editorial cartooning is announced, there is a small teacup sized tempest the ensues. Earlier protests included the claim that the Pulitzer is awarded to only “liberal” editorial cartoonists and that conservatives need not apply. If you were wondering what the the fuss would be this year – head over the Tom Tomorrow’s blog and read his open letter to the Pulitzer board about how they keep shafting the alternative cartoonist.
The media landscape has changed dramatically since the Pulitzers were founded, and there are a lot of cartoonists these days whose work is distributed in ways that Joseph Pulitzer could never have imagined possible ? and whose styles do not conform to the traditional editorial cartoon template. And I can?t help but wonder: do any of us have the remotest chance of ever being considered for this honor, or should we just stop bothering to submit our portfolios each year? Do the judges even glance at these entries, or are they tossed straight onto the discard pile as soon as the entry fee has been retrieved? Most importantly: if the Pulitzer Prize for Cartooning is really the Pulitzer Prize for Daily Newspaper Editorial Page Preferrably Single Panel Cartooning, Others Need Not Apply, would you mind letting us know? That way we can stop wasting our time, and yours, applying for a prize for which we are not actually eligible.
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