Jimmy Johnson suffers mild heart attack
Skip to commentsArlo and Janis creator Jimmy Johnson posted on his website that he exerienced a mild heart attack earlier this week.
I used to vaguely be amused when I’d miss a day here on the Web, and readers would write to enquire nervously about my health. I am no longer amused. Early Monday morning, I had a heart attack, that quintessential middle-age experience. Oh, I’m OK! I’m out of the hospital and walking around with a slight limp, having suffered nothing more invasive than having a Roto-Rooter inserted in my groin area and shoved up my torso into my heart. Twice.
I am not overweight, have never smoked and have a normal level of cholesterol. Apparently, genetics got me, maybe helped along by stress. I’ll be back with the Web site next week; I expect we’ll talk about this some more. I’m going to be fine. Really.
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