Cartoons Comic strips

Funny pages shrink in Sacramento Bee

In a cost cutting move, the ‘Sacramento Bee is reducing the number of pages in it’s Sunday funnies from 8 to 6 pages.

Four of the comics dropped from the smaller section will still run in the Bee on weekdays. They include “Bizarro,” “Garfield,” “Hi and Lois,” and “Rubes.” Strips being dropped entirely by the newspaper are “The Amazing Spiderman,” “Hagar the Horrible,” “Opus,” and “Slylock Fox.” Also, the Bee is losing “The Boondocks,” which just went on sabbatical.

Only one new comic — “Frazz” — is being added by the Bee.

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Comments 6

  1. I think that is stupid that Garfield & Hi and Lois have been taken off the Sunday comics. Those are some of the most popular comics around. I am glad that they brought back Opus, though.

  2. I think that is stupid that Garfield & Hi and Lois have been taken off the Sunday comics. Those are some of the most popular comics around. I am glad that they brought back Opus, though.

  3. Obviously, they brought back Opus….thank heavens.

  4. Obviously, they brought back Opus….thank heavens.

  5. If the Bee reduces the size of the print of classifieds any further they will have to start selling us magnifying glasses to read them.

  6. If the Bee reduces the size of the print of classifieds any further they will have to start selling us magnifying glasses to read them.

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