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Garfield is Incredibly Edible

Incredibily Edible has licensed the use of Garfield in their bouquets. Let’ see, Garfield underwear for the kids, Garfield tie for dad and now a Garfield edible bouquet for mom.

“Garfield is beloved by millions, and we’re thrilled that we’re able to offer his products to our customers,” says Ellen Davis, co-owner of Incredibly Edible Delites, home of the FruitFlowers(tm) bouquet. “Everyone loves Garfield and everyone loves our fruit bouquets – it’s the perfect combination.”

To create their bouquets, Incredibly Edible Delites cuts up melons, pineapples, strawberries and grapes and shapes them into “flowers.” Pineapples become daisies, strawberries become tulips and honeydews become leaves. The fruit can be put together into more than a dozen different designs, ranging from a large, spring-like bouquet to a dozen “roses.” The company offers a line of Garfield-themed products, including a fruit bouquet that comes in a ceramic Garfield container.

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