Interview with Mark Tatulli regarding Lio
Skip to commentsIf you didn’t check out the new upcoming feature Lio by Mark Tatulli yesterday, they’ve (UPS) has posted some additional information about the feature and repackaged the interview that went along with the announcement.
From that Q and A:
Q: Why did you decide to draw in the style of old pen-and-ink drawings? What?s distinctive about your style for Lio?
–I really wanted to draw in a different style from HEART OF THE CITY, which is rendered with a brush dipped in ink. It was important to me to separate the two strips visually. So I picked up a pen and drew in a style that I haven?t drawn in for about 20 years. LIO is much closer to work I have done in the 1980?s. Plus, I was always intrigued by the artwork of an obscure 19th century artist, A. J. Volck. He was a political satirist during the Civil War, a Southern sympathizer, and I was always so fascinated with his darkly detailed illustrations. Every time I looked at his spidery pen-and-ink drawings I found something new. And maybe because his politics were 180 degrees from my own, often depicting Abraham Lincoln as a demonic figure, I was repulsed but still appreciated the craft of his work. I wanted to capture something like that with LIO?art that immediately stirs an emotion, simply by pen technique, even before you know what the strip is about. I don?t know if I was successful, but I?m pleased with the results.
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