Comic history Comic strips Television

Mans collection of Schulz drawings worth $150,000 to $200,000

The OC Register has a great story about Arnold Shapiro, who over the years of acquantance with Schulz built up a collection of his original works. With the help of a friend he got a ticket to the “Antiques Roadshow” and there spell bound the crowd with his personal stories of working with Schulz and then was shocked to find that his collection of work was worth conservatively $150,000 to $200,000.

Shapiro recounted how the collection of Schulz’s drawings and early comic strips Schulz had given him had been sitting on a closet shelf for more than 30 years.

These stories added authenticity to what appraiser Philip Weiss already knew. With 40 years in the collectibles trade and auction experience with the early work of Charles Schulz, “I knew what I was looking at,” Weiss said.

“It is very unusual to see art like this pop up fresh to the market,” said the New York appraiser.

When it comes to animation art, Schulz brings top dollar, Weiss said.

There’s an enormous market for his work.

His conservative appraisal: $150,000 to $200,000.

Schulz’s early work is highly sought after, especially the pre-“Peanuts” strip named “Li’l Folks” by Sparky and early “Peanuts” comics with references to the Great Pumpkin and Snoopy as the Red Baron.

“His work is timeless; it possesses the type of humor that lasts,” Weiss said.

Since the show, Shapiro has relocated his collection to a safe deposit box and acquired insurance on the advice of the appraiser.

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