Comic strips

Aaron McGruder takes 6 months off

The Chicago Tribune is reporting that Aaron McGruder will be taking a 6 month hiatus from his “Boondocks” strip. What Aaron will be doing during his time is unclear.

Universal Press Syndicate confirmed today that McGruder will go on hiatus beginning March 27, resuming the strip, which appears in 350 newspapers including the Chicago Tribune, in October.

It was unclear whether McGruder would concentrate on his Cartoon Network version of the comic strip during the break. McGruder couldn’t be reached for comment and was preparing to issue a statement through Universal Press Syndicate, which is offering reprints of past cartoons.

The Tribune notes that they are still unsure if they will run the replacement strips or try out a new feature.

UPDATE: Here is a registration free link to the Star Tribune story’s on Aaron’s break.

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