Off topic, but interesting. When the Americans were angered by France’s unwillingness to support the Iraq war, we renamed our beloved french fries to “Freedom Fries.” Now, in what I can only hope as a small step forward in non-volient free speech – many Iranians are renaming their Danish Pastries to “Roses of the Prophet Mohammad.”
“Given the insults by Danish newspapers against the prophet, as of now the name of Danish pastries will give way to Rose of Mohammad’ pastries,” the confectioners union said in its order.
“This is a punishment for those who started misusing freedom of expression to insult the sanctities of Islam,” said Ahmad Mahmoudi, a cake-shop owner in northern Tehran.
They should rename the pastries “Camel Apples”. That’d show those Danes.
They should rename the pastries “Camel Apples”. That’d show those Danes.