Comic strips Speaking Engagements

Frank Cho sleeps through his scheduled WonderCon showing

According to this report in the Oregonian, Frank Cho was a no show at his scheduled 10:30 am WonderCon meet and greet. Oops.

Cho, one of the best artists in the field, was scheduled to spend an hour with WonderCon fans at 10:30 a.m. Saturday morning. He never showed. At 10:45 a.m., an Image spokesman appeared and apologized. Image had just called Frank’s hotel room … and woke the poor man up.

On Saturday, WonderCon is out in all its glory. The Playboy playmates — Miss July ’82 (Lynda Wiesmeier) and Miss November ’98 (Tiffany Taylor) — have staked their claim to one corner of artist’s alley, selling photos –old photos — for $20 a shot. The kids, the die-hards, the weirdos fill the aisles. Heck, on Saturday even J.J. Abrahms — the creator of Alias and Lost and the director of M:i:III — showed up, entertaining a crowd of at least 2,500 people for an hour with an engaging, personable, humble performance, going so far as to note of Mission Impossible 3, “I am so completely to blame if you hate this movie.”

But Frank Cho?

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