Controversies Editorial cartooning Interviews Mohammed Cartoon Television

Hannity and Colmes talk to Rall, Cagle

Ted Rall mentions on his blog that he’ll be on Hannity and Colmes tonight to discuss the Toles cartoon as well as the Danish cartoons.

Tonight, however, I’ll be at Fox with plenty of time to spare, appearing on “Hannity & Colmes” to discuss both Toles’ piece and the Danish cartoons about Mohammed that sparked outrage in the Arab world. Tune in at 9 pm EST.

According to Cagle’s blog, Daryl was on Hannity and Colmes last night. Daryl didn’t mention the topic, but take your guess: Toles, Danish cartoon, or both. If I can find transcripts of either (it doesn’t look like Fox puts out transcripts for every show), I’ll post them.

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