Comic strips Technology

Dilbert will soon become a mobile phone game

Scott Adam’s “Dilbert” will soon be a downloadable game for you mobile phone according to this press release by Namco.

Namco Networks, a leading publisher and developer of wireless games and content, today announced plans to bring Dilbert to mobile phones through a partnership with United Media, a worldwide licensing and syndication company focused on building brand equity around a wide range of creative content.

“Dilbert’s trials and tribulations as a corporate cog make him an ideal mobile game star,” said Scott Rubin, Vice President of Sales and Marketing for Namco Networks. “The game will appeal to anyone who has experienced cubicle life or has dealt with office bureaucracy. With its mass market appeal, Dilbert will make a great addition to our growing list of brand-based games.”

Namco recently announced that it was producing a Snoopy vs the Red Baron game for xBox and to take the Peanuts feature to mobile phones.

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