Comic strips

Lucky Cow not so lucky with the Deseret News

Mark Pett’s Lucky Cow has been dropped from the Deseret News (Salt Lake City, UT). According to Pett, the Deseret News occasionally drops features to gauge its popularity based on the number of people who complain.

He writes:

If you are a reader of the Deseret News, and would like to see “Lucky Cow” back on its comics pages, I urge you to contact them and let them know. They really do listen to readers! Also, perhaps you’d let fellow readers of the Deseret News know as well.

To write a general written comment, you can go to:,3864,,00.html

Or email features editor Chris Hicks directly at

To reach the features desk by telephone, you can call: (801)237-2150

If enough readers let them know, perhaps Lucky Cow will make it back onto the Deseret News comics pages!

With all calls to action to save a dropped feature, please do the feature a favor and NOT contact the paper if you don’t live in the circulation area.

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