Comic strips

‘Between Friends’ now in The Honolulu Advertiser

The Honolulu Advertiser has picked upBetween Friends’ by Sandra Bell-Lundy. They also ran a good write-up on Sandra and a section called “Meet the characters” to help newcomers to the strip learn about the characters.

Since 1994, Bell-Lundy has used her real-life friendships as a source of inspiration for her comic strip “Between Friends,” which runs in more than 100 newspapers, and starts a new run in The Advertiser today.

“I don’t think you could write a strip seven days a week, 365 days a year without having some insight into what you’re writing about,” said Bell-Lundy, 46, who works out of her home in Ontario, Canada. “In my case, I’m relating to my friends and to their lives, and to the time period I’m in.”

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