Comic strips

Des Moines Register picks up ‘Brevity’

In the one year since the launch of Brevity, the creators, Guy Endore-Kaiser and Rodd Perry have picked up 150 papers. Now the Des Moines Register is one of them. The Register has done a good write up about the success and origin of Brevity.

The whole thing started when Endore-Kaiser dropped a couple of his (badly) self-drawn comics on a Web site for amateurs.

“I did it alone for a month, and they were really, really bad. Rodd is a guy who naturally knows how to draw, so one day he drew one as a goof and put it on the site and people liked it a lot better,” Endore-Kaiser said. “People could tell what it was supposed to be.”

After he persuaded Perry to continue drawing, “Brevity” picked up speed.

Brevity replaced Agnes at the Register

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