Bagley signing “Clueless George goes to war”
Skip to commentsPat Bagley, editorial cartoonist for the Salt Lake Tribune, will be signing his new book at Ken Sander’s Rare Books on Friday, December 9, at 7pm. Bagley’s book “Clueless George” is available at Amazon books.
The last place you’d expect to hear that political cartoonist Pat Bagley got his start is BYU. But there you have it. His first cartoon commented on a school housing controversy and was a product of idle doodling during class. He sent it into the school paper, The Daily Universe, hoping they might use it as an inspiration for their own cartoonist. Bagley was surprised when they asked him to draw the final copy and even more surprised when, after the school paper printed it, the cartoon got picked up on the wire and published in Time Magazine. “Then I was hooked,” Bagley remembers, and though his mother told him the only artist is a starving artist, his career has not slowed down since.
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