Do cartoonists’ political views leak into their strips?
Skip to commentsThe Washington Examiner has an opinion article written by Michael Taube about how political leanings sneak into the comics page. Interesting read.
Many modern comic strips and one-panel or multi-panel editorial cartoons are also politically charged. In some cases, the direct content of a strip is political, including conservative (Bruce Tinsley?s ?Mallard Fillmore?), liberal (Garry Trudeau?s ?Doonesbury?), or on the radical fringes (Aaron McGruder?s ?Boondocks?). In other cases, it likely has to do with the cartoonist?s political point of view. Liberal-leaning cartoonists have included Walt Kelly (?Pogo?), Crockett Johnson (?Barnaby?) and Will Eisner (?The Spirit?), and conservative-leaning cartoonists have included Al Capp (?Li?l Abner?), Jeff MacNelly (?Shoe?) and Harold Gray (?Little Orphan Annie?).
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