Comic Strip Syndication Seminar
Skip to commentsWhile this blog’s focus is on professional cartoonists, I ran across a posting on the toontalk bulletin board. Lee Nordling, author of Your Career in the Comics will be directing a four day seminar for unsyndicated cartoonists to help them take their creation to a syndicated level.
My goal with this seminar is to work with 10 to 15 cartoonists for five days and four nights (Sunday – Thursday) on a wide range of craft and business-related issues that will help them reach toward a higher rung that’s near their goal. Individually and together, we’ll be working on each of your syndication samples. Without getting into too much detail here, the purpose will be to help you bring out the best and most consistent levels of quality. It will be about figuring out where the bar needs to be set and developing a process for not dropping below that point.
Cost is $2,000 plus travel. Read the full posting and response for more details.
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