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Darrin Bell Returns to Substack

Darrin Bell has returned to his Disobey in Advance Substack with a multi-panel vertical political comic.

The Intervention by Darrin Bell (Disobey in Advance)

The Trump Intervention begins? is an eleven panel comic strip which may be a continuing plot line as it ends with the teaser: “Will the Intervention work? Will it ever even get off the ground? Stay tuned to find out.

The comments section appears to be disabled. A wise move at the moment. Maybe only available to subscribers?

Aside: No Candorville or Rudy Park characters appear. Will they show up here in the future?

Hat tip

Paul Berge and Nancy Beiman for the heads up.

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Comments 3

  1. Has there been any updates on his legal issues?

  2. I believe that commenting on Substack is open only to individual substackers’ subscribers. If someone here subscribes to Bell’s page, they could verify whether his comment section is open or closed.

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