Comic Strip of the Day Editorial cartooning

CSotD: Elon’s Coming, Hide Your Wallet

Let’s start by acknowledging the disconnect. As Ratt points out, we’re in Looking Glass Land, where everything is reversed, including the New Testament. The good thing is, we’re not dealing with people who say one thing and do the opposite. They say the opposite and that’s exactly what they do.

In the words of the late Dennis Green, they are who we thought they were. We’d seen them before, we knew who they were, and we let them off the hook. We even crowned their asses.

Marc Murphy points out this toxic blend of governmental power with religion. It allows them to turn the Gospel on its head, not just in Ratt’s sarcastic twisting but in their real words, in which they lay out a cruel uncaring that is absolutely in opposition to the Sermon on the Mount and the Parable of the Good Samaritan.

JD Vance explained the “Christian concept that you love your family, and then you love your neighbor, and then you love your community, and then you love your fellow citizens in your own country, and then, after that, you can focus and prioritize the rest of the world.”

So I guess the righteous person in that parable was the Levite who, recognizing that the Samaritan was not one of his people and certainly not a member of his family, left him broke and bleeding in the gutter. Deo gratias!

McKee is right that walking back Trump’s logorrhea could be a full-time job, but it isn’t. They don’t waste a lot of time explaining what he said wrong because they’re more fully invested in telling you what you heard wrong.

We used to not give Hamas $50 million worth of condoms, but then Dear Leader doubled it to $100 million, and the math works because multiplying zero by anything yields zero and here’s an expert in campaign finance to explain the numbers: It was $100 million worth of nonexistent condoms.

Vance explains Christianity in the same straightforward way. He’s in favor of re-hiring one of the Doge Boys who was fired for posting racist statements about people from India despite having a wife of Indian heritage. It’s much the way Ted Cruz’s wife used to be ugly but he got over it, or maybe Ted and JD have slipped loving Trump in ahead of that part about loving your family.

Anyway, little Donnie’s family used to go to Norman Vince Peale’s church to hear the Gospel of Prosperity, in which God wants you to be wealthy and His son was only joking about the perils of money. That Jesus! What a kidder!

Juxtaposition of the Day

I like Horsey’s depiction of the Nazi sympathizer in Gestapo gear surrounded by brownshirts, but I doubt his loyal minions would notice what USAID does or how honestly it goes about its duties and I seriously doubt they’d point it out to their boss.

Which makes Ohman’s view of them more accurate. They’re programmers, not forensic accountants, and their task is not to root out waste because they’re not expected to understand either spreadsheets or governmental processes. Their assignment is to wreak destruction.

Which brings us to Kearney’s farmer, who is framed as a compassionate, caring person, and that’s entirely possible. But to argue the situation from a more pragmatic POV, soybeans are a major export by USAID, or they were until the barbarians stormed in and began shutting things down.

Trump damaged soy farmers in his first administration, getting into a tariff war with China that drove Chinese importers to Brazil and into relationships that persist to this day.

Now, between killing USAID and planning a second trade war, Trump and Musk are further damaging American farmers, which seems like spitting in the faces of the people who elected Dear Leader.

The cruelty is the point, and Baron portrays the uncaring greed with which Musk has worked to dismantle foreign aid in his own self-interest.

Musk is being called a special employee of some sort, brought in to save money but drawing $7 million to run his tear-down operation, so, as she indicates, he’s feasting on the destruction he has wrought, and not only has nobody elected him, but Congress didn’t vote to give him money. As if that matters.

Bish is outraged at the way Congress went bananas over the possibility, unproven but likely, that the Chinese government was collecting information on Americans, but has accepted the illegal access by Musk and his minions of personal information to which few people are admitted, and then only under specific, well-regulated ways.

I’ve seen some of this before, having lived through the days of COINTELPRO and Tommy the Traveler and so forth, such that having burglars and thugs rifling through my stuff is less shocking that it might have been.

But I also remember the Church Committee hearings and how horrified my fellow citizens were to see how bad things had become. There were laws passed to stop this from ever happening again, unless we decided to hell with it, which we apparently have.

I like dark humor, but Goris may be right that the extent of the coup won’t matter to people until it hits home literally, in their own lives. And it’s particularly funny because it not only riffs on the invasion of privacy but on the horrific level of conflicts of interest Musk carries everywhere.

It’s all done with sleight-of-hand, Molina says, by directing you to hate your fellow workers while your own job is imperiled by that wealthy immigrant.

Oh, and Trump is putting a 25% tariff on steel and aluminum, so even if he brings auto plants back to this country, he won’t bring them back to full employment or reasonable pricing.

But we’ll sip from that firehose another day.

Mad Ave Mayo Department

I suppose it makes sense to spoof a 36-year-old film if you’re selling mayonnaise, but even so I wouldn’t resurrect a character who was firmly on record as not liking regular dressing or sloshing stuff on sandwiches, insisting it be “on the side.” Which that certainly wasn’t.

Coulda been worse. They could have hired Mama June.

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Comments 20

  1. From Philip Bump in the WashPost today

    ” This unfettered Trump presidency, in alliance with Musk’s army of internet trolls, is simply the final triumph of liquid garbage seeping into institutional America from the right.”

    I wonder how long Bump will be at the WashPost…and watch your wallet. It is probably a good idea to freeze your credit files at all three credit bureaus.

    1. Why do you say that about our credit files? Very curious

      1. Michelle Singletary in the WashPost recommended it to protect against swindlers who could use the information to take out loans or open new credit cards in your name. All that kind of information is what Musk and his merry band of geeks has just accessed in those government databases. She also suggests going online to setup a “my Social Security” account at before you freeze your credit files.

  2. True story – back around 2005, one day I stopped by to visit a friend at his business.
    It was a small business and he employed around 10 people.
    He and I were discussing taxes.
    A young lady in his employ looked at me with a puzzled look… as if questioning my reasoning.
    I viewed it as a teachable moment – elaborating, I sought to use her in a daily setting ;
    Let’s say you want to go to dinner with your boyfriend. Excitedly, at home (you pay taxes on) you shower & get dressed (in clothing you paid taxes on), you hop in your car (you paid taxes es on), you head out – stop for gas to fill up the car )your paying taxes on the gas), then you meet your boyfriend (he pays all the taxes you do) and the 2 if you decide on a place for dinner …
    The young lady interrupted me by saying “I get your point.” Her voice and delivery let me know she wanted me to shut up!

    The point?
    Since some folks seem concerned with DOGE … the young lady crosses my mind …
    When someone is showing you how institutions are ripping you off and you get mad at the person telling you …
    YOU are the problem!

    1. I don’t know, sounds like she probably just wanted to get you to shut up, since a list of things that get taxed isn’t going to teach anyone anything and isn’t very interesting to listen to even if you didn’t already know it.

      DOGE isn’t revealing any corrupt spending or otherwise, it’s just stealing personal information, rendering important systems insecure, and shutting down initiatives that were making the world a better place.

      1. I don’t know if taking tax dollars to fund operas, comics, and all kinds of other programs in foreign nations is making the world a better place.
        Also, let’s examine those payments – are they actually going to said programs, or is a small percentage of the funds going to the program while the lions share goes into a politicians pocket )or “foundation”, etc)!
        That would be fraud and political corruption! The only stealing involved would be – stealing from taxpayers to line ones own pockets!
        “Interesting” or not – if you can prove to me I’m being robbed – I want the theft to stop and the perpetrator held accountable!

    2. I like your story, James:

      You go to your home (where the road was paved, the garbage collected, and the zoning rules enforced to protect your investment);

      Take a shower (using water that has been certified as safe by a government inspector);

      Hop in your car (fueled with gasoline dispensed by a pump inspected by the Department of Weights and Measures);

      Drive on a road (a free road, without tolls, paid for with your liquid fuel taxes);

      And then decide to stop for dinner at a restaurant (where the meat, poultry and vegetables have been inspected for safety by the USDA; and the kitchen has been inspected for cleanliness and safe food-handling practices by either the county health department or the state Department of Agriculture).

      You and your date had a lovely evening and neither one of you died from a preventable illness caused by food or water poisoning.

      You say “stealing,” I say paying for society. I can see why your friend’s employee rolled her eyes.

      As for those filthy money-grubbing foreigners, foreign aid is far less than 1 percent of the entire U.S. gross national product and works out to 1.2 percent of the entire U.S. budget. You say stealing, I say investing in peace around the globe.

      1. Thank you! Your reply is excellent, and I agree entirely with you.

      2. I’ve got to admit – I don’t feel “guilty” for the comforts I enjoy!
        Nope , not the least bit guilty!
        Moreover – if there are folks around the world struggling with unsafe food, bad roads, poor housing, etc.
        Perhaps they should try a different government or economic system
        Moreover, why should I (or you) be forced to pay for it?
        More directly – if you do want to pay for it – is it okay for a shady politician to pocket part of your money?
        I say NO!
        While you roll your eyes, if I find out someone is stealing from you – I’ll try to stop it!

      3. Rereading your posts – it is my hope safe food & water is a concern we all share…
        But, let’s be honest – does $32K for an LGBTQ comic in Peru help food or water?
        Does an LGBTQ opera in Colombia help food & water?
        Does money for a program in Bangladesh teaching how to use inclusive words … does it help food & water conditions?

      4. One major problem is that much of what you hear about USAID is wrong. Whether it is a matter of “lies” or “misunderstandings” is secondary to the fact that it just ain’t so. OTOH, I think the government and its agents have a duty to be honest, which includes checking into claims before passing them on, which could make errors rise to the level of dereliction of duty.

        Here’s a starter package:

    3. Having worked retail, I can guess that the “young lady in his employ” was probably fed up with having to smile and nod while one of her boss’s old fart friends runs his mouth while the only thing she wants is to clock out.

    4. James, you seem to be under the impression that the government is only spending money on LGBTQ initiatives, considering that’s your only defense of entire departments just being shut down. can you provide any evidence that this is the case? Even Musk isn’t trying to make that claim.

  3. The only thing worse than Donnie, Elmo, and their cronies being allowed to do whatever they want and wreaking utter havoc to this country is that we’ve officially entered the “evil is good, good is evil” phase of society.

    We now live in an era where hatred, greed, corruption, and lust for power are seen as “good” while empathy, compassion, kindness, equity, inclusion, understanding etc are seen as “bad” and this is being embraced by the so-called “moral objectivists”

    The future looks pretty grim indeed….

  4. Well, Palestinian Gaza is NOT the only Gaza. There were condom supplies to another Gaza while it was suffering a bad outbreak of HIV. If memory serves that was the prefecture in the Central African Republic. There are also Gazas in Ethiopia and in Nigeria, as well as a few outside Africa. You can even find info on the HIV AIDS efforts there at Doctors Without Borders. But, hey, why should the White House know any geography? They already are making choices about science, medicine, foreign relations, music, and the Constitution without knowing anything about those.

    1. Exactly!!! The different Gazas should be recognized even if Americans think Switzerland and Sweden are the same country (and, yes, some of them do). Good post!

  5. I’ll believe that DODGE —and Fox Noise and its echo chamber pals— are serious about cutting government waste when they go after the millions upon millions spent (in less than three weeks!) on Trump’s golf vacations and his trip to be seen at the Superbowl.

  6. Minor quibble — the Samaritan was the one who eventually helped, not the one who was left bleeding beside the road.

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