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Axe Cop webcomic turned into online movies

Comments 8

  1. It’s about time! Congrats!

  2. I love Bob’s line work and character design.

    Congrats, Bob!

  3. ‘Molly and the Bear’ is a great comic too (I say ‘too’ because I just got done praising ‘Axe Cop’).

    Like ‘Bleeker the Rechargeable Dog’ it’s just a matter of time before MOTB is syndicated…or, y’know…whatever replaces syndication. 🙂

  4. Yeah, I wonder why that took so long and whether they’ll ever get around to trying M&B out in the newspapers, or whether they’ll leave it to another syndicate…

  5. Hooray, Bob! ‘Tis just the beginning of the rise of M&B!

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