Comic strips

Professional cartooning isn’t for ‘wimps’

There is a great piece in the Sacramento Bee about the challenges of being a professional cartoonist. It covers some of the cartoonists that took sabaticals or ended their feature early due to the relentless deadlines. Quoted in the article are Darby Conley who puts in 70 hours a week into his feature “Get Fuzzy“, Wiley Miller – “Non Sequitor“, Scott Adams – “Dilbert,” Dan Piraro – “Bizarro” and Scott Stantis editorial cartoonist for the Birmingham News and creator of “Prickly City.”

From Wiley Miller:

“Get out a piece of paper and a pencil and come up with just one cartoon idea, one that is of professional quality. Don’t worry about the lack of drawing ability. … See how long it takes you to come up with just that one cartoon. Then, after you’re finished, imagine having to do 364 more of them this year.

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Comments 4

  1. man i realy love 2 draw cartoons as a way of expresing myself ive done so many of em

  2. man i realy love 2 draw cartoons as a way of expresing myself ive done so many of em

  3. man i realy love 2 draw cartoons as a way of expresing myself ive done so many of em but im 16

  4. man i realy love 2 draw cartoons as a way of expresing myself ive done so many of em but im 16

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