John Deering gives us our opening today with his Strange Brew.
Been enjoying Mick and Keith checking in to Hotel UFO this week. And alway happy to see a Kinks reference.
FurBabies‘ week long scavenger hunt gets a juxtaposition with UFO today.
Bob Weber, Jr. threw a nod to friend and co-creator Jay Stephens this week in Slylock Fox.
Not so funny gag lines come from Man Martin’s Man Overboard.
On a similar note Samson, who likes to take things literally, got real with Dark Side of the Horse:
And from this week’s Prickly City on a sad state of affairs:
Dave Coverly covers a different sad state of current affairs in Speed Bump.
Then co-conspirator Mike Peterson triggered my OCD today with his take on The Joy of Tech strip.
I had to find those issues of Batman and World’s Finest Nitrozac and Snaggy used in the strip.
That TGIF is also a Michael Shaw toon that ran in the New Yorker..