The Comics Journal will be expanding its online offerings and consolidating its print publication to expanded semi-annual editions.
From their press release:
The expanded, full-service will deliver everything readers love â?? in-depth interviews, smart columns, sharp criticism, real journalism â?? on a daily basis. And not only will readers get the traditional Comics Journal content faster, but they will also be able to access features beyond the reach of print magazines: videos, slide shows, audio files, original-art galleries and an army of both new and established Journal-caliber bloggers filtering the comics world through their unique perspectives. In short, it is the dawning of a Comics Journal that knows no bounds.
Focusing on what print does best, The Comics Journal magazine will be more beautiful than ever, an elegant combination of criticism, journalism and objet dâ??art. Uniquely sized and formatted, evocatively visual and tactile, each issue will be an event. Readers will get their first look at the direction The Comics Journal will be moving in with issue #300.
That sounds great for the web site. I haven’t been able to afford the print edition since the late 90s.