Cartoons Comic strips

Garry Trudeau meets soldiers

Garry Trudeau, Doonsbury cartoonist, has an account in the San Francisco Chronicle about his research and meeting with soldiers returning from Iraq so that he could better approach the subject.

If I feel prepared — if I feel there’s been enough collecting, enough churn, enough marination — it gives me the confidence to know I can sit down and do a credible job of turning what is sometimes a grim or contentious subject into a story that will entertain a significant part of a general readership.

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Comments 8

  1. Is there a means to communicate with Garry Trudeau?
    I am a Vetran and retired military but I hold the same views concerning the FLAG as he does.
    I believe that too many Americans want the flag to be a God to whorship. That is going too far.
    In any case I would like to be able to share my views with Mr. Garry Trudeau if that is possible.
    Thank you.

  2. Is there a means to communicate with Garry Trudeau?
    I am a Vetran and retired military but I hold the same views concerning the FLAG as he does.
    I believe that too many Americans want the flag to be a God to whorship. That is going too far.
    In any case I would like to be able to share my views with Mr. Garry Trudeau if that is possible.
    Thank you.

  3. Universal Press syndicate has the following mailing address and phone number to send general questions or letters to their creators.

    Universal Press Syndicate
    4520 Main Street
    Kansas City, MO 64111-7701
    (816) 932-6600

    There might also be an email address or other contact methods over on the

  4. Universal Press syndicate has the following mailing address and phone number to send general questions or letters to their creators.

    Universal Press Syndicate
    4520 Main Street
    Kansas City, MO 64111-7701
    (816) 932-6600

    There might also be an email address or other contact methods over on the

  5. I just finished reading Garry Trudeau Sunday comic about “Excuse me, Sir. History is here to see you.” What a biased one sided comic, pure fiction. How about drawing a comic on Sandy Berger (factual)stealing classified Security documents regarding President Clinton’s activities on dealing with terrorism prior to the 9/11 Committee investigation. Instead all we get is one sided political progressive ideology spin.

  6. I just finished reading Garry Trudeau Sunday comic about “Excuse me, Sir. History is here to see you.” What a biased one sided comic, pure fiction. How about drawing a comic on Sandy Berger (factual)stealing classified Security documents regarding President Clinton’s activities on dealing with terrorism prior to the 9/11 Committee investigation. Instead all we get is one sided political progressive ideology spin.

  7. Garry, please keep up the good work! Your strip is one of the few places that this topic is discussed. I know sexual abuse is happening; when I was writting my book (Honor Betrayed: Sexual Abuse In America’s Military) I heard from many women and men who had been sexually assaulted but were afraid to put their stories in the book because they would be punished by their comrades. Thanks again for your efforts.

  8. Garry, please keep up the good work! Your strip is one of the few places that this topic is discussed. I know sexual abuse is happening; when I was writting my book (Honor Betrayed: Sexual Abuse In America’s Military) I heard from many women and men who had been sexually assaulted but were afraid to put their stories in the book because they would be punished by their comrades. Thanks again for your efforts.

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