Comic strips

New: “Mt. Pleasant” by Rick McKee & Kent Sligh

Mt. Pleasant © Rick McKee & Kent Sligh; distributed by Tribune Content Agency

Mt. Pleasant is a forthcoming comic strip from Rick McKee and Kent Sligh.

Claude and Eunice Lutum thought they’d be spending their golden years relaxing on their farm, affectionately known as Mt. Pleasant. They thought wrong. Like many folks their age, they’ve found themselves raising their grandkids, Ella and Albie, a couple of precocious city young’uns. Life at Mt. Pleasant can get a bit crazy at times, true, but it will have your readers looking forward to their next visit.

We know the work of the two creators of the comic strip.

From the Tribune Content Agency profile of cartoonist Rick McKee:

…an award-winning, nationally syndicated, editorial cartoonist grew up on a farm in the small, rural, smudge on the map known as Mt. Pleasant, Fla. McKee has worked in newspapers all his life. First, in the late ’80s as an artist with the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, then, as Graphics Editor for the Augusta Chronicle, and finally, as the Chronicle’s Editorial Cartoonist from 1998-2019. McKee’s work has appeared in The New York Times, Washington Post, USA Today, on CNN and in Newsweek. His work is syndicated by Caglecartoons and appears in over 850 newspapers around the world.

Amazingly neglecting to mention that Rick is the current Pluggers cartoonist.

While gag writer Kent Sligh’s name may be unfamiliar, we are well aware of his humor.
Again from the Tribune Content Agency profile of Kent:

Sligh is a comedy writer and an award-winning screenwriter, who also spent time in Georgia growing up. A former full-time professional standup comedian … It was while doing standup comedy that Sligh met and became friends with cartoonist Steve Kelley, the creator and co-author of the comic strip “Dustin.” In 2014 Sligh and Kelley collaborated on a screenplay called “Boomerang Dad,” which might still be in development with APA in Hollywood. You never know. Since 2014, Sligh has been the top contributing writer for Dustin. Sligh is paid to submit gags on a weekly deadline which account for a large percentage of “Dustin’s” content.

Tribune Content Agency has a page up with limited information and samples.
There is no debut date given (inquiries have been made).
The samples are copyright 2020, but the strip may not start until early 2021.
Wishing success for Rick and Kent.



Rick McKee has announced his upcoming syndicated comic strip:

I’m very excited to announce my new comic strip, Mt. Pleasant, coming soon, distributed by Tribune Content Agency! I began working on this the day I lost my day job in July, 2019, but it’s something I’ve been noodling with for some time. And I can finally tell you about it! I’ve teamed up with a writer, Kent Sigh, a funny guy who lives in California, and we think we’ve come up with something pretty special. It’s about two precocious city kids who move to a farm to be raised by their grandparents, where they have to make their own fun. Some of you know I grew up in a little smudge on the map named Mt. Pleasant, Florida, but there are Mt. Pleasants all over the country! It’s not auto-biographical by any means, but they say write what you know….

Among the responses to the comments on Rick’s Facebook page Rick insists that he will continue doing his editorial cartoons and the 7x a week Pluggers.
As for continuing to sleep? That may not happen.


UPDATE – November 19

TCA now has a promo page up:

Tribune Content Agency is pleased to announce the addition of comic strip Mt. Pleasant to its product line of premium content. Created by Pluggers cartoonist Rick McKee and comedy writer Kent Sligh, Mt. Pleasant will be available, daily or weekly, as of January 1, 2021.

Unfortunately January 1, 2021 is a Friday, so doubt that is the start date. (January 11?)


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