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How Is The American Voter Feeling Today?

In 2001 Jim Borgman published a popular book that evolved into other forms,
such as playing/flash cards and a poster.

© Jim Borgman

Editorial cartoonist Kevin Necessary remembers that poster:

I woke up from a nap today and immediately defaulted to my baseline state of anxiety. I then thought about Jim Borgman’s “How Are You Feeling Today?” poster, and this image popped into my head. I think many of us can relate.

He’s right. Today every voter, regardless of political stripe, is …

© Kevin Necessary


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Comments 5

  1. How am I feeling today? Day ain’t over yet!

  2. Can’t get stressed about this stuff. Not worth it.
    Everyone just needs to “…be excellent to each other…”

  3. Nothing against you D.D., but I’m really missing Mike’s voice today — the day I could really use it!

  4. Thanks D.D., did see that earlier — guess I thought it was one of his separate posts, not a timely commentary. I’ll breathe deep (deeper?) and read it through — and hope it settles the nerves.

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