Daily Cartoonist

TDC account Screencast Part 1

This is a quick screencast I created to help you who are creating accounts to make sure your account will display your first and last name in the comment section as well as when you submit news stories.

The not-a-video instructions are as follows:

1. Log into TDC
2. Click on “Profile” on the left hand side of page
3. On the profile page, scroll down to the fields for your first and last name. Please make sure you fill those out if they are not. If so, select the option that shows your first and last name in the drop down menu next to “Display name publicly as.”
4. Scroll down to the bottom and click Update button.
5. If your first and last name were not filled out, fill them out, click the Update button at bottom of screen. When the page refreshed (has been updated), scroll down to “Display name publicly as” drop down menu and select the option with first and last name. Be sure to click the Update button at bottom of page again.

Your set. From now on, any comments you make or blog posts submitted with display your first and last name.


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Comments 2

  1. Very helpful, Alan. Thanks!

  2. Thanks so much, think I got it. Thanks for the help

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