Comic history Comic strips

Happy George Herriman’s Birthday from Tisserand

George Herriman was born 140 years ago on August 22, 1880.

To celebrate Michael Tisserand, the author of Krazy: George Herriman, A Life in Black and White (highly recommended), has given us a present. Sez Michael:

In 2016, when I published Krazy: George Herriman, A Life in Black and White, I included an author’s note promising that all of Herriman’s works cited in the book would be featured online. This seemed especially important as many of those works have not been seen since first appearing in newspapers. And although Krazy includes numerous comics and photographs, there was no way to publish all of Herriman’s works nor publish full Krazy Kat strips at an appropriate size. 

So finally, here it is: The Illustrated Krazy.

Michael continues:

There are two ways to read The Illustrated Krazy. You can just browse the comics to get a taste of Herriman’s varied works through the years. Or you can use the images to follow along his biography. Arranged by chapter are all the comics I discuss in Krazy. If Krazy features a single panel to illustrate an idea in the text, The Illustrated Krazy now has the entire comic. Additionally, I’ve thrown in some of my own photos and copies of primary source documents, such as Herriman’s draft cards and the first pages of his will. I never get tired of looking at these documents and I hope you also enjoy them as well. 

Hundreds of Herriman comics and artifacts! Check it out.


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