Comic strips Interviews

“Scary Gary” creator interviewed on podcast

Mark Buford, creator of “Scary Gary,” sits down with John C. Snider of and talks about his comic strip.

In the podcast, Buford offers a glimpse not only into his influences — the comics and the people who have inspired him — but also into the inspiration for Scary Gary, how the innovative comic was picked up by a syndicate and the creative process Buford uses to create the strip each day.

Buford also offers some inside information about the cast and the comic that no fans of the horror or comic genre should miss. With Gary and Leopold joined by Travis, a severed head in a jar, and a parade of other supernatural beings, suburban life won’t know what bit it.

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Comments 10

  1. I’ve known Mark for years and have always enjoyed his work. I saw Scary Gary very early on and was blown away by it! I think Mark really has a big one on his hands here.

  2. I’m really enjoying the few strips I’ve read so far. Love his drawing style!

    Thanks for the heads up on this podcast.

  3. Nice interview!

    I’ve been reading Scary Gary since it debuted and I’m really into it so far. It’s a very funny strip.

  4. Love your feature Gary,
    I am a cartoonist in Arizona, been trying to
    get ahold of you for a few days…Can you
    contact me if you have a minute, thanks,
    John D.
    Hopefully you will read this note.
    928-708-0392 office

  5. Love the comic, haven’t read the funny pages in a while but have started up again just to read Scary Gary. Well, also to not be so illiterate… (I live in Canada btw, so you have fans up here lol).

    Yeah, can’t wait til you produce a collection. Also…more Travis, please. He’s such a sweetie!

  6. I was wondering if there is a Scary Gary book in the making? I have a few Calvin & Hobbes and I would LOVE to have an entire book of Scary Gary! It’s the only cartoon worth reading in my paper most of the time.

  7. I know this is an old thread, but I gotta say ‘Scary Gary’ is the best new strip I’ve seen in years…it flat kicks butt.
    It’s got that ‘X Factor’ thing that makes you just wanna keep reading it on and on…

    I really hope he can get a book out. This strip looks like it could a major hit!

    It OUGHTA be anyway, considering how much other prosaic stuff is out there…cough cough*zombie strips!*cough cough!

  8. I agree, Shane, Scary Gary is a wonderful present in the strip world, and it’s my favorite, too. I thought maybe I was one of few people who admired this – it’s the only one I went all the way back in the archives to read in Gocomics, and it isn’t one of the higher ones in subscribers there, if that number is a true indication of popularity- but it’s a winner.

    I wonder how many papers it’s in – not in the 2 in LA – but next time I meet a cartoon editor of a paper I’m going to push it.

  9. Donna,
    I did the same thing, went all the way back as far as the archive goes and read them all in one sitting!

    I guess it shows maybe editors don’t really know a good thing when they see it. I’ve posted some ‘Scary Gary’ strips on my Facebook page to gauge reactions and there are some folks who are wanting me to post it every day so they can read it off my FB wall…they LOVE it! They are just casual strip readers and wouldn’t necessarily know where to find it.

    I think it ought to be pushed hard, it’s the most original strip I’ve seen in years.

  10. Words cannot describe how much I love, love, love Mark Buford’s “Scary Gary” comic! I, myself have always had (and treasured) weird off-the-wall humor. Scary Gary is MY family!
    I just love the motley crew of characters in the stories and I favor “Owen” & “Travis”. Owen’s always bellyaching about his “after-life” as aghost (I love ghosts!) but Travis is so calming and has such a positive attitude and always looking on the ‘up’ side of situations. As for Leopold, man, he’s really evil and always up to tricks and mischief, that’s what makes him scary. Gary is cool & collected, and just puts up with whatever situations come up. Like I said, a motley crew of fine characters. Thank you so much Mr. Mark Buford for creating this comic. I love you! And thanks to you, I now have a new cartoon “surrogate” crazy horror family in my life!
    Peace, and keep goin’ Mark! Love, Kimberly Ann Rogers XO

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