Ralf the Destroyer in development with United Media (UPDATED)

Scott Lincoln has posted a website to showcase his comic feature Ralf the Destroyer, a comic that he says is now in development with United Media Syndicate. Scott has worked for several years with Guy Gilchrist and had an inspirational strip called Solomon Road that was syndicated through D.B.R. Media for a couple of years.

You can see his submission online.

Regarding his feature and syndication, he notes: “It was accepted, then rejected, then accepted again for development. So, you just never know.”

CLARIFICATION: I’ve received clarification regarding the development of Ralf the Destroyer and United Media. According to Scott he has “been working with Ted to ‘develop’ Ralf the Destroyer and we have had many discussions back and forth and I’ve been sending sample work that was requested. However the relationship has not yet progressed to the contractual stage.”

7 thoughts on “Ralf the Destroyer in development with United Media (UPDATED)

  1. I’ve watched Scott’s progress all the way through the last three or so years on Ralf, and I am thrilled about the strip, his future, and all the results of of Scott’s hard work. Beautiful work, buddy! Every success to you always.

  2. Wow that art is really incredible. Does that color Sunday strip give anyone a â??Disney Studiosâ? vibe? Anyone know when this strip may see print publication? The art looks real high end and there seems to me a great attention to detail. Good sense of humor too. Good luck to this Lincoln fellow.

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