The Bradford Era gave notice to its readers today about changes on their comics page. The notice mostly dealt with the addition of a couple of popular puzzle features, “Jumble” and “Celebrity Cipher:”
To make room for two additional word puzzles on the page, “Jumble” and “Celebrity Cipher,” the daily features “Horoscope” and “To Your Good Health” have been moved to pages in the Classifieds section. “Horoscope” and “To Your Good Health” will continue to run in each day’s edition, just in different locations.
They did note some changes to the comics lineup:
We are also trying out some different comic strips on the page, adding “Frank & Ernest,” “The Born Loser” and “For Better or For Worse” to the lineup, while retiring “Peanuts,” “Mutts” and “Sally Forth.”
This makes no sense. Why would retire Peanuts but add FBOFW? They’re both reprint strips, and Peanuts is the more popular by far.
And getting rid of Mutts? Is there anybody who doesn’t like Mutts?
@ignatz agree with you on the reruns, but I hate to say I don’t enjoy Mutts. It’s lovely to look at, but it just doesn’t connect with me even though I love dogs. I may be the outlier though.