Where to put Mallard Fillmore
Skip to commentsThe Public Editor for the News and Observer has written a column on their reader’s bemusing of Bruce Tinsley’s Mallard Fillmore placement on the funny pages while Garry Trudeau’s comic Doonesbury is squirreled alway on the op-ed pages.
One reason for the inconsistent treatment of the politically flavored comics is the newspaper’s internal setup. The opinion pages, including “Doonesbury,” are the province of the editorial page editor. The comics pages, including “Mallard,” are under the executive editor. To keep editorial opinion and news coverage separate, those two editors don’t tell each other what to do.
Steve Ford, the editorial page editor, wants to keep “Doonesbury” on the op-ed page. It’s a decades-long staple there at The N&O, he says, and it fits well with the comment and opinion mission of the page “in terms of content, in terms of tone and in terms of its visual appeal.”
Ford also acknowledged he doesn’t want to let “Doonesbury” go because it’s a good readership magnet for his pages. But he and op-ed editor Allen Torrey don’t want to add “Mallard” to the page because a second comic strip would consume valuable real estate that’s needed for opinion articles. And, they said, “Mallard,” at least at this point, is not the same quality as “Doonesbury” in terms of writing, wit and art.
Thad Ogburn, features editor, would be happy to accommodate “Doonesbury” on the comics pages — it would help his readership, too — but he said he respects Ford’s reasons for wanting to keep it.
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