Ed Gamble Will Keep His Job (UPDATED)
Skip to commentsThe Times-Union editorial cartoonist Ed Gamble made headlines last week as African-Americans in Jacksonville, as well as nationally, cried foul over Ed’s “Don’t Snitch” cartoon that also used the term “ho.” African-American leaders have demanded an apology, Ed’s dismissal and the inclusion of an African-American on the editorial board. According to an e-mail from Ed, he reports that no apology has been issued, nor does he believe that his job at the paper is in jeopardy and that the paper’s management has been in his corner. The publisher of the paper has written that the paper will “take this unfortunate incident and convert it to positive action for change.”
According to Ed, the response has been mixed but mostly positive.
Our response here and around the country is about 70 per cent positive. It hurt a lot of feelings in the black community, but about 25% of the community saw the need for the cartoon and now we have a dialogue, which will help. Since I am a middle of the road cartoonist who hits republicans, democrats, etc. the paper is used to getting a lot of “hate” mail from all sides. However this was different because it was about a culture in the black community which touched a nerve with black leaders.
UPDATE: Clay Jones, editorial cartoonist for the Free Lance-Star, drew up a cartoon in response to the No-Snitch hoopla that was syndicated out through Creators.
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