Blogs Daily Cartoonist

Daily Cartoonist looking for blogsitters

I’m looking for a few cartoonists (or comic aficionados) to volunteer submitting stories or discussion topics to the blog on July 13th through 18th whilst I’m vacationing in Seattle. I’m not expecting volunteers to submit something everyday, but at least a couple of stories over those days would be fine.

Here’s what you can do.

  1. Send me an email expressing interest in submitting stories or discussion topics to the blog.
  2. If you’re a cartoonist or a bona-fide cartoon nut (I’ve seen your name on other comic forums and I know you can post intelligent stuff), I’ll set you up an account.
  3. I’ll email you your account information and a URL where to log in and submit your story.
  4. Starting Friday (the 13th!), you can log in and post your story or discussion item.

By posting on the Daily Cartoonist, you are agreeing to the following rules:

  1. News stories should include a link to the original story. It’s like citing your source and no post will be allowed on unless you link to the original story.
  2. Blog posts can not include, foul language, libelous, defamatory statements or negative opinions about other comic strips. Let me explain that last one. I allow others to express their opinions on everything in the comments, but the posts themselves should remain neutral.
  3. All stories or discussion topics must be relevant to the topic of this blog: syndicated comic strips, cartoonists, and professional editorial cartoonists.

I’ll resume command of the blog on July 19th.

I sincerely appreciate all those who visit this blog and have made it part of their daily activities.

If you have questions, feel free to contact me at the email link above or post the question in the comments.

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