Daily Cartoonist

Daily Cartoonist surpasses 2000 blog posts

For those keeping count (you are aren’t you?), I have posted over 2,000 blog posts now in the 20 months of being on the web. As impressive as that is, it is dwarfed by the 53,590 pieces of spam that has been caught in the spam filter (and I didn’t add the filter until about a year ago). Sigh.

Anywhooo, thank you all for continuing to visit, I’m sure I would have certainly folded by now had I not received such positive feedback from many of you. Thanks.


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United Media to launch Secret Asian Man
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Rob Harrell opens first solo art show (UPDATED)

Comments 3

  1. Congrats Alan! Your site seems to have become a daily stop for cartoon lovers of all stripes…even comic lovin’spammers
    Keep it up!

  2. Congrats Alan. This is a great blog!

  3. Congrats and thanks! Not sure what I’d do without my daily shot of this blog. Here’s to 2000 more posts.

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