Doonesbury Duke videos posted to YouTube

Doonesbury is storming to YouTube – or at least some seven year old video archives of Uncle Duke’s run for the presidency. Universal’s uclick is uploading 6 new archive videos to YouTube and twice a month. There are 30 short animation films in all.

From the press release:

In the March 4, 2007 “Doonesbury” strip, Duke hinted that his campaign videos would appear on the Web. Duke is sitting in front of a computer rapidly uploading his campaign videos to YouTube while smoking a cigarette. He is in awe of the possibilities before him. “This is incredible – one click to immortality! What a great tool!” Duke’s son walks into the room and when he finds out what his dad is up to he shouts, “Dad, you can’t put that up! Are you crazy?” Duke still thinks it’s a great idea, but his son shows complete disappointment. “How many people have seen this,” his son says. Duke is proud to reply “Only a couple million – I just posted it”
