Children's Books

Never been seen before Dr. Seuss book published reports that previously unpublished Dr. Seuss book has been found and now published.

In the spring of 1957, almost two decades after his little-known ?adult? book of nudes, it was an animal book ? The Cat in the Hat ? that led critics to declare Dr. Seuss an overnight success, despite the fact that he had been writing for twenty years and this was his thirteenth book. That fall, How the Grinch Stole Christmas sealed his status as a celebrity of creative culture and he joined Random House as the editor of a new imprint for young readers.

But the book into which Dr. Seuss poured his most exuberant love of animals, created sometime between 1958 and 1962, was never made public in his lifetime.

I really hope this isn’t a case like Harper Lee’s Go Set A Watchman.

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Comments 5

  1. “Never been seen before Dr. Suess book published.” Bloggers aren’t journalists and can decide right or wrong who can and cannot comment on their blogs but we should draw the line at bad grammar.

  2. Times like this, I wish I had a “like” feature in the comments. Thanks, Mike, for calling me out on that one.

  3. “Go Get a Dog, Man.”
    by Barker Leash

  4. We’re all going to choke to death from the smoke of old notebooks and manuscripts of authors and artists who no longer trust their relatives to respect their wishes. A loss to scholars, but understandable.

  5. Even after his death Dr. Seuss continues to surprise us with his genius.

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