Daily Cartoonist

Daily Cartoonist is closed – please go and vote

I’m closing down the blog for the day. Instead of blogging this morning, I’ll be standing in line waiting to touch a screen – hopefully demonstrating to the Iraqis and other fledgling democracies that I give a hoot about the democracy I live under – regardless of how well it’s managed. Later tonight I’ll be taking pictures of my son who turns five as he learns to snorkel in a swimming pool after weeks of practicing in the bathtub. Somewhere in between, I’ll go to work, collect a paycheck and give a goodly chunk to Uncle Sam so he can give it to the elderly or the arts or perhaps toward keeping our soldiers safe whilst deployed far from their families.

It’s a good day to be an American. Whether you gravitate toward Mallard Fillmore or Doonesbury, please take the opportunity to vote today.

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Comments 3

  1. My husband and I enjoy morning coffee and your newspaper. For 44 years we have shared laughter over our favorite comic strips. We really miss our old favorites: Hagar, The Wizard of Id, Beetle Bailey, The Family Circus and others. We try to like the new ones, but most are poorly drawn and not very funny or clever. In a world that changes so drastically so often, please let those of us who love these strips keep them. We would be willing to pay a little more for our paper. Thank you for giving us an opportunity to vote.

  2. I am saddened to see that The Wizard of Id has been eliminated along with other great cartoons. I think many of the newer cartoons really are not very funny. A look at those should be done to determine if some of these newer ones that you are continuing to publish probably deserve the ax.

  3. I am saddened to see that The Wizard of Id has been eliminated along with other great cartoons. I think many of the newer cartoons really are not very funny. A look at those should be done to determine if some of these newer ones that you are continuing to publish probably deserve the ax.

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