Blogs Editorial cartooning

Nick Anderson launches new blog feature

Houston Chronicle editorial cartoonist Nick Anderson has announced a new feature on his blog. He has solicited his readers to send him their cartoons and he’ll post them on his blog every Friday.

From his blog:

Have you always wanted to be a cartoonist? Can’t stand my cartoons? Want to see your own published here?

Here’s your chance.

People occasionally e-mail me their cartoons, which got us thinking. Why not give readers an opportunity to see them?

So every Friday, I’ll select the best of them and publish them here. Can’t draw a straight line? Don’t worry about it. Neither can I….just look at all those squiggles!

I enjoy seeing how editorial cartoonists are using their blogs in ways to connect and interact with their readers. Still too many are using it as a publishing mechanism and not as a communication tool. I like Nick’s approach.

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