A new Peanuts animated special will be aired on ABC in late November. The feature called Heâ??s a Bully, Charlie Brown and was the last animated project Charles Schulz worked on before his death in 2000. The special is being produced by Lee Mendelson and Bill Melendez (the same individuals who have a long history of working on Charlie Brown animated movies and shows).
The show is about a game of marbles that becomes heated and Charlie Brown is called on to help. You can see a preview of the show on October 21 at the Charles M. Schulz museum at 4:00 pm.
Technorati Tags: Charles M. Schulz
Please tell the grownups will only speak in “Wa-wha-wa-whah-ese”. Anything else would just be wrong.
Please tell the grownups will only speak in “Wa-wha-wa-whah-ese”. Anything else would just be wrong.
I noticed Charlie Brown had a hint of Christian base, I hope and pray that it continues in this special. God Bless all of you who worked on the project to make Mr Schulz’s amazing animated series come alive.
I noticed Charlie Brown had a hint of Christian base, I hope and pray that it continues in this special. God Bless all of you who worked on the project to make Mr Schulz’s amazing animated series come alive.
Did anybody here see this? I’d like to think it would be good, but given the track record….
Of course, the original Christmas special and the Great Pumpkin were terrific, but it went downhill from there.
Did anybody here see this? I’d like to think it would be good, but given the track record….
Of course, the original Christmas special and the Great Pumpkin were terrific, but it went downhill from there.
My Kids I and watched this last year and we loved it. It was very good and were looking forward to seeing it again.
My Kids I and watched this last year and we loved it. It was very good and were looking forward to seeing it again.