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CSotD: Humpday Humor

Very strange Speed Bump (Creators) this past Sunday. The dog in the space suit seemed the focal point, and it was only after I read the caption and agreed with it that I noticed both men were looking up and got the intended point. I hate people who go all technical on a cartoon, but […]

“Comic Books” – Distribution and Tariffs

So I hit the local comic book shop once a month to pick up anything that may have shown up and put in an order for stuff that intrigued me (other than my regular asks) in the Previews catalog that I picked previously. The standing order is mostly TwoMorrows magazines about comic book history. Though […]

CSotD: Lügenpresse, California Style

Pat Bagley expresses the situation well: As firefighters struggle to control the wildfires in Southern California, the press also struggles with disinformation about those wildfires. The press wouldn’t be stuck with a mere squirtbottle if the only problem they faced were the normal flow of rumors and misconceptions that plague every major news event. But […]

An Ann Telnaes/WaPo Update

We’ll start at Open Windows, the Ann Telnaes Substack. My colleagues in print Ann reproduces Jill Abramson’s Boston Globe report on The Washington Post and “the guardians of a free press” and it includes a gallery including Ann’s rejected cartoon and a handful of supporting cartoons. Ann also presents her recent 7 minute interview with […]

Roundup – Anglo-Franco Edition

British cartoonist Will McPhail, who contributes to the American New Yorker magazine, has been awarded the French 2024 ACBD Comics Critics’ Prize. Since 2019, the Association of Comic Book Critics and Journalists has rewarded a comic book from an English-speaking country and adapted into French by a French-speaking publisher. The 2024 ACBD Comics Critics’ Prize is […]

Comic Stripping Recent Funnies

Or maybe some not-so-recent funnies. Liô, where we grabbed our feature image from, is in reruns this week but the Friday panel brings back memories … of something. Of Course! Liô grows up to be Charles Addams’ Uncle Fester: As long as we are celebrating the past… Dan Schkade celebrates Flash Gordon‘s debut in a […]

CSotD: They’re Selling Postcards of the Wildfire

Morten Morland offers his own version of Desolation Row, as the United States pulls down thoughtfulness and erects a golden calf, an accusation of sacrilege you’d never see on the editorial pages of the Washington Post (but only because it would be repetitive). Dylan began his lyrics with a reference to a 1920 lynching in […]

Time for a Weekly Roundup Again

Ed Koren, Rob Tornoe, Ed Steckley, Barry Blitt, and George Metzger. See Anyone You Know? The New Yorker Cartoons and Covers of Edward Koren Olivia Hoffman of Ohio State’s The Lantern talks to Jenny Robb of The Billy Ireland Library and Museum and to Cartoonist James Sturm who is curating the Museum’s See Anyone You […]

CSotD: Fact-checking, Decency-Checking

Garth German makes a good point, though I suspect he’s too late and we can’t reverse the process now. Here’s a relevant quote from Herman Wouk in the Caine Mutiny: The Navy is a master plan designed by geniuses for execution by idiots. If you are not an idiot, but find yourself in the Navy, you […]

Editoonist Bob Castle Retires

In his 30-year career as an editorial cartoonist for the Comox Valley Record, Bob Castle has drawn them all: politicians from all levels of government, disgruntled citizens, animals and much more. “I turned 65 last February and it’s time to turn to the next chapter,” he adds reflectively “I enjoyed every minute of it.” Comox […]

CSotD: Catching Up With the Comedy

Baby Blues (AMS) offers a last New Year’s gag as we start to settle into 2025, and once more raises the question I’ve asked before: Do people still get bonuses? I know they do in stock trading circles, so maybe that’s what Daryll does, though he’s sure around the house more than most go-getters, and […]

A Cache of Cartooning Cachet; or, Nooz for Yooz

With Georgia Dunn, John ‘Polly’ Farmer, Dan Schkade, Gary Kopervas, Harley Schwadron, Mike Lynch, Peter Arno, Michael Maslin, Bill Mauldin, James Gillray, and Morten Morland. Georgia Dunn announces the return of Swan Eaters a fortnight away Yes, it’s true—the next chapter of my other comic Swan Eaters is just around the corner! Swan Eaters returns […]

CSotD: Thank Goodness for a Warm Memory

Bliss (Tribune) comes to my rescue. It’s been extremely cold here, but it’s also been extremely necessary to get out with the dog and away from the idiots, which sounds like an arrogant judgment, but it’s actually the most polite and charitable. After all, we’re not just seeing our incoming president insult and threaten our […]

Whatnot Wednesday Evening

A collection of comic strip and cartoon adjacent news items. John Wagner, A Life in Comics John Wagner is the creator of the infamous British comic character Judge Dredd and wrote the eponymously named comic strip for The Daily MAil from 1981-1998. According to John Freeman: the strip originally appeared in the form of a […]


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