Cartoon Yahtzee – Why Does One Go Viral?
Skip to commentsThe past month has seen a number of editorial cartoons showing
Lady Justice being assaulted by The Ruling Party.
But one from Canada “went viral.”
Bruce MacKinnon’s cartoon shows a blindfolded Lady Justice being held down on a bed by Republican hands with her mouth covered.
The cartoon has received passionate responses on social media. Some believe it’s a powerful image that accurate skewers the GOP for its continued support of alleged sexual abusers. While others see it as a disturbing image that’s far too intense to be published.
Bruce MacKinnon drew the cartoon for Nova Scotia’s Chronicle Herald newspaper, inspired by Christine Blasey Ford’s Senate judiciary committee testimony last week against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.
After the image went viral, many internet users commented that it was difficult to look at, with one person tweeting that the cartoon made her feel like she couldn’t breathe.
Bruce MacKinnon gives his thoughts on why the cartoon struck such a deep chord:
MacKinnon said he drew the picture from the angle of “the perpetrator.”
“Which is kind of a shocking camera angle, but it was just sort of what was in my head — a bit of a difficult angle to draw from, but it seemed to flow out of the pen pretty naturally,” he said.
“So I think just the way the image fell on the paper kind of grabs a lot of people.”
Above quotes taken from stories by, vancouverisawesome, and
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