Tom Batiuk responds to Funky blog take down order
Skip to commentsYesterday I wrote that attorney’s representing Funky Winkerbean creator Tom Batiuk sent a cease and desist letter to asking for them to remove two blogs that allegedly infringed on Tom’s intellectual property. shutdown the blogs and the blog author has since moved his blog to a private server and removed the Funky Winkerbean comics from the site.
When asked why he felt he needed to take legal action to take down the blogs, Tom responds:
“I fought a lawsuit to regain ownership of my creations and, as a result, I take my intellectual property rights including trademark and copyright very seriously, and will enforce my rights when I find them being infringed. That includes someone reprinting the work in total without permission or compensation.”
UPDATE: I received a follow up response to a question I posed to Tom as to whether he was still pursuing legal action or if he was satisfied with the removal of his content from the current Funky blog. He responded, “For now things are good, but, obviously, my attorneys will continue reviewing this and any other case on an ad hoc basis.”
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