Comic strips

Benita Epstein joins Six Chix

Benita Epstein is the latest cartoonist to join the Six Chix comic strip, replacing Kathryn LeMieux, who is leaving the feature to pursue other interests. Benita’s first strip was in yesterday’s paper and future daily work will be featured on Fridays (Sundays are rotated amongst the six women).

“Kathryn LeMieux’s contribution to Six Chix over the years has been wonderful. As she moves on, we are delighted to welcome Benita Epstein to the team,” said Brendan Burford, King Features Syndicate comics editor. “Benita’s cartoons fit beautifully with the Six Chix feature – her work reflects a style and sensibility all her own, yet wonderfully compliments the voices of the other five Chix. We’re so pleased Benita is a part of Six Chix.”

Six Chix is distributed to more than 60 newspapers, including the Arizona Republic, Detroit News, Houston Chronicle, San Diego Union-Tribune, San Francisco Chronicle and Seattle Post-Intelligencer.

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Comments 10

  1. I really enjoyed Kathryn LeMieux’s work. But congrats, Benita!

  2. Benita is great–nice pick-up! But when will King add some gender diversity to its cartoonist line-up and feature a group of male cartoonists (Seven Brethren, anyone)? The male cartoonist is woefully underrepresented on the comics page.

  3. Damn straight, Tom. I’m pitching it to King. We’ll call it Six Slobs. Who is with me?

  4. Don’t bother…already pitched to King back in 2000…me, Tony Cochran, Lennie Peterson, Carlos Castellanos, Hector D. Cantu, and Mort Drucker…we were gonna call it SIX DIX…they shot us down.

  5. Dammit Mark, I was gonna say Six D*cks, but I censored myself! Shouldn’t have done that.

    I think including Mort may have soured it for you. I mean, come on! He hasn’t won a Reuben since, what, ’87? Geesh!

  6. Small correction.
    Her first Sunday strip was yesterday (April 19).
    Her first daily strip was March 20th.

  7. Thanks everyone! Yes, my first strip actually was March 20.

  8. Congratulations, Benita – I look forward to reading more of your work.

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