Comic strips

Doozies meet Zits

Tom Gammill does a comic called The Doozies that runs on Over the last couple of months, he’s created several self-deprecating videos to help promote the strip. In his latest video, he features Jim Borgman and Jerry Scott, co-creators of Zits.

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Webcomic News Briefs for January 21, 2009

Comments 25

  1. Alan, thanks for the plug! And thank you Jim and Jerry for being guests on the show.

  2. I love Tom’s “Learn To Draw” videos! I now choose my friends based on whether or not they think these videos are funny.

  3. Hahaha – that was pretty good. I dig the good-natured fun of it.

  4. That part with the coffe cups was hilarious, great video.

  5. Pretty ingenious if you ask me.

  6. What’s even funnier is that,when the vid ends and the Utube links appear at the bottom…After “Tom Gammil Lesson Six”, the next segments are “Stripper Cop-Stripper Coppercize”, and “Alex’s Death Wish”. ( I did not click on those. )

    The part about the cartoon hand was good.

    I have found that it is best for myself to draw my drafts not in public. In working for facial expressions I tend to mimic, and people either pity me or think I might be insulting them.

  7. “I have found that it is best for myself to draw my drafts not in public. In working for facial expressions I tend to mimic, and people either pity me or think I might be insulting them.”

    Now that’s funny!

  8. The Doozies is hilarious and those Zits guys are funny, too!

  9. Maybe it’s me – but I laughed out. Really just flat out giggled several times. My hubby has long passed me Zits over the breakfast table (ok – coffee table – I don’t chew that early in the day, but I make up for it later) as it sometimes terrifyingly evoked our son’s teenage days. But damn if that Gammill fella doesn’t crack me up. Is there a medium in which he is not a stitch? Do ya sing, Tom? Play the saxaphone? Needless to say, I’ve become a diehard Doozie’s fan. May I say – amen, brother for even giving us a chance to say that fabulous word: “Doozies.” Now if someone would only drag “fink” or “rat fink” back to the American lexicon I could die a happy woman. And LOVE the short video format. As Miles Davis famously said: Get in, say it, get out.
    ok, ok, I’ll get out of here.
    WAIT – Am I crazy or is the spam bot test not also hilarious.


  10. Super funny, as always. If Tom keeps up the good work, The Doozies will be his most recognizable credit!

  11. Tom, loved the hand gag.
    And those zits guys have a pretty nice car.

  12. I think that car was a random car in the parking lot.
    Everyone knows Jerry and Jim drive all over the country in an old VW bus.

  13. “WAIT – Am I crazy or is the spam bot test not also hilarious.”

    not when I get the equation wrong it’s not

  14. Tom,

    Never has two minutes gone by so quickly. I laughed, and when it was over I was sad. I almost called you just to hear your voice again, but I didn’t want you to think I was weird. So if you do get a few dozen calls later tonight from someone who doesn’t speak, but just breathes into the phone, that’s not me, okay? ‘Cause I would never do that. Never.

  15. Made my own Doozies coffee cup this morning…. REALLY funny Tom!!

  16. Great video! The tone is one that you seldom see in people who’ve had success, which puts you in a very small-but-cool group comprised of you and Steve Carrell.
    Hope you’re not adverse to my selling contraband Doozies cups out of the back of my car at ComicCon next year!

  17. The Doozies is really good.
    Tom, let me know how to start lobbying the L.A. Times and the Pasadena Star News to get them to publish it in the paper.

    The Youtube videos are awesome too.
    How did you get the Zits guys?

  18. Love The Doozies!! When are they going to stop
    using my shirts………………………!!!!!
    The one with the Grants is brilliant. Keep up the
    great work!!

  19. By the way…..I am not related to Bob!!

  20. This guy Tom is really funny. What else has he been in?

  21. Zits, hemorrohoids,and boils have NOTHING over that Tom Gammill. He’s a DOOZIE, he’s a keeper, and makes me (and probably some of you other twisted people out there in Doozieland) snort with laughter.

  22. Tom, is there no end to your talent? Where can I buy those t-shirts and cups?

  23. Dear Tom,
    I am your biggest fan!
    I follow your “how to draw” videos every week and continue to improve in my craft. Are there any action figures of you available? Are there any of your wife? What is your favorite color? What are you wearing? Where do you live?
    I can’t wait to meet you.

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