For Better or For Worse ending details
Skip to commentsAs reported yesterday, August 31 will be the last new story-line For Better or For Worse before it lapses into redrawn re-runs. In an interview she gave to Nancy Beirman, who attended the Doug Wright awards, were FBOFW creator Lynn Johnston was inducted into the Hall of fame, Lynn gives a few details on what to expect in the end and after the end.
On why she decided to end FBoFW:
The drawings were becoming stiff. I couldn’t move. And I couldn’t make jokes about little kids any more. Michael has children…but I have no grandchildren…and I couldn’t really see it any more. It’s better to end it when it’s time. It all comes full circle.”
What’s to be expected after the original run:
New material drawn in the old style will be added when the strips repeat. I want to go back and fix things! I draw so differently now…but you do the best that you can possibly do.”
“…The comic strip page is called ‘real estate’. Other syndicates are going after my papers!
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