United Media to launch Secret Asian Man
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Secret Asian Man © Tak Toyoshima / Dist. by United Feature Syndicate, Inc. Used by permission
United Media will be launching a new feature on July 16 called Secret Asian Man by Tak Toyoshima. The feature centers around Osamu “SAM” Takahashi, a struggling comic strip artist, who is a second generation Japanese American growing up in a big city. He has a wife and son.
Says Ted Rall, Acquisitions editor at United:
“Asian Americans have been an integral part of American society for centuries but have only recently begun making inroads into our popular culture,” said Ted Rall, Acquisitions and Development Editor for United Feature Syndicate. “What Margaret Cho did for stand-up comedy and ‘Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle’ did for the movies, Secret Asian Man-the first Asian-themed strip- does for the comics page. A brilliant artist and wonderfully succinct writer, Tak Toyoshima opens a window on topics that the comics have ignored until now. Most importantly, you don’t have to be Asian to love Secret Asian Man!”
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