Rina Piccolo, others, to attend Toronto Comicon
Skip to commentsRina Piccolo, the creator of “Tina’s Groove” and one of the “Six Chix” contributors, will be at the Paradise Comics Toronto Comicon as well as host a segment about “Women of Comics.”
If you’re in Toronto on the weekend of April 28th -30th be sure to check out the PARADISE COMICS TORONTO COMICON. Along with featured artists, exhibitors and guest appearances from the comics industry, the weekend will also host the “Women Of Comics” symposium, featuring a panel of women cartoonists including myself. So come out and see us great gals of the cartooning world!
I also so see on the guest list “Between Friends” creator Sandra Bell-Lundy, Stan Lee (do I really have to mention which comic feature he writes?), and “Liberty Meadows” creator Frank Cho (we’ll have to see if he doesn’t sleep through the conference this time). If there are other cartoonists attending that I’ve left off the list. Feel free to email me and I’ll update the post.
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